From Marshall News Messenger, June 13, 1919.
Enthusiastic Group Plans for Efficient
and Prosperous Business
It is a significant fact that out of the meeting held yesterday afternoon in the Elk's Club room, a local chapter of the Rotary Club came into being, and a new era in the work of getting together for co-operative benefit among the business houses of Marshall was marked there.
Senator Durrough, of Texarkana, came down yesterday at the invitation of a number of enthusiasts here, and organized this branch which will become, automatically, a unit in the great world Rotary Club, which has proved itself a most wonderful force for betterment.
It is often asked what the Rotary club stands for and what the idea of its establishment is. In the first place, the organization is not to supplement or replace in any way the Chamber of Commerce. Working together, the two build for the growth of cities and the stimulating of interest to bring about a change in business from the old methods to the new ones.
The ideas of brilliant and successful men in all parts of the United States, as well as in foreign countries, are brought to each chapter for its use and when they are put into practice they bring new life and new blood-strong remedies to fight off the most deadly of all sedatives, stagnation. All legitimate business is recognized by the Rotarians as being for one purpose--to establish moral strength and efficiency, to make the minimum labor produce the maximum results.
The Rotary club looks today for the carrying out of new ideas. It does not just dream of them and talk of them. To be a successful member of the club one must continually put into practice the solutions offered for problems threshed out around the table where the meeting is held.
Thousands of men belong to the
Rotary Clubs, and to be numbered among them is to be enrolled in the best business college the creation knows of. It's text book is an idea or the answer to a vexing puzzle, and its creed is to forget petty differences and arguments and to throw oneself heartily into the melting pot
that he may emerge to be a greater benefit to his home and his community.
With a Rotary Club and a Chamber of Commerce, Marshall may look to a bright future.
The Club will hold its first meeting Thursday, June 19, 1919, at 12 o'clock, noon, and the initial program will be accompanied by a luncheon.
The First Officers
of the Marshall Rotary Club Were:
Pres.: Ike Hockwald
Vice-President.: H.M. Price
Secretary: C.W. Pierpont
Treasurer: W.C. Pierce Sgt.-at-Arms: Web Rogers
The First
Directors of The Marshall Rotary Club
Frank Davis
E.B. Wilson
P.G. Whaley
E.W. Mahone
L.H. Irvine
H.E. Pelz
Joe Hirsch