Harrison County Judge Hugh Taylor updated the Marshall Rotary club yesterday on the progress of I-69 (now I-369) yesterday, and held a large crowd’s attention, as he described the progress being made on the Marshall, Harrison County portion of the proposed interstate highway, and how the funds are being spent. The club Strongly Suppored his work on Harrisson Count's and Marshall's behalf.
Nighty eight years ago, County Judge W. H. Strength stood before the same club and made basically the same speech, before an enthusiastic audience.  The topic, however was not Interstate highways, but seeing that we have good gravel roads, at a price not exceeding the $8,000 approved on the bond issue, previously passed by the voters.  The Rotary club moved that the club go on record as supporting Judge Strength.  
We are proud of Marshall Rotary for supporting good roads, in these two instances and others too numerous to include, for nighty-eight years and counting.